Sales Deck

What Does a Sales Presentation or Sales Deck Consist of?

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A sales deck is a sales presentation that allows a sales professional to share information about a company and its products with potential clients and customers. A sales deck is displayed in a series of slides with an assortment of text, graphics, imagery, and statistics designed to educate and persuade an audience to your side.

It usually takes the form of a PowerPoint or keynote presentation and it’s delivered in a face to face meeting or sent over the internet before a meeting.

Sales Pitch earned its name because it is part of the pitch delivered when trying to convince someone to buy a good or service. The goal of the sales deck is to earn a conversion or sales from the presentation. Some businesses tend to gain brand awareness overtime through their sales presentations.

What should be included in a sales deck:

  • A stellar cover slide

Your cover slide should reflect your company stance and industry.

  • A value proposition

Summarize the value of your promise to deliver to prospects and explain why they should buy from you.

  • A powerful story

Present your story and your team to humanize your company and increase likability and also include why your company and product came to be.

  • Enticing solutions

Focus on your client’s problem and break down your value propositions into solutions tied to the benefits your clients want.

  • Proofs

Your proofs should include testimonials, share research data, provide extra benefits and compare your products versus competitors.

  • A clear call to action

It’s a simple command directing customers to take action. Endeavor to include your details so that they will be able to get in touch with.

In conclusion, the sales deck helps prospects feel connected to your company and also helps understand your products or services. A successful sales deck focuses on your customers’ education and not your business.

If you are wondering how to get started, you can contact one of our consultants and we will help you with the right Pitch solution for your brand. Start A Project Now!

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